Pet Surgery

Laser Surgery

We utilize a CO2 laser for many surgical procedures performed at the clinic. Advantages of using a CO2 laser include:

  1. Less Pain: The laser seals nerve endings as it “cuts.” As a result, your pet will experience less pain and be more comfortable post-operatively.
  2. Less Bleeding: The laser seals small blood vessels during surgery. This speeds many procedures, reducing the time your pet needs to be under anesthesia which further reduces possible complications.
  3. Less Swelling: Laser energy does not crush, tear or bruise tissue because the only thing that touches your pet is an invisible beam of light.
  4. Reduced risk of infection: As the laser removes diseased tissue, it seals the skin and reduces the amount of bacteria present.
  5. Quick return to normal activity: Healing is rapid and there is less post-operative discomfort to allow better healing.

Specialty Surgery

The doctors at Oak Knoll perform most routine, soft tissue surgeries, including spay, neuter, mass removals, dentistry, and bladder surgery. We also partner with a group of board-certified surgeons, Twin Cities Veterinary Surgery, to handle our orthopedics, as well as complicated, soft tissue surgeries.