Mon – Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 12 PM
Sun: Closed


Payment Options & Helpful Links

Payment is expected at the time of service. We accept debit cards, credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover), and cash. Additionally, we accept payments via CareCredit.

Whether you use your healthcare credit card to cover your deductible, or to pay for treatments and procedures not covered by insurance, CareCredit helps make the treatments and procedures your pet needs possible today.

Mon – Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 12 PM
Sun: Closed

Pet insurance is a great option to make caring for your pet affordable, and ensure that they receive the care they need, when they need it. With most pet insurance plans, you pay the veterinarian upfront and are reimbursed by your insurance provider after filing a claim. To compare pet insurance provider options, visit Pawlicy Advisor.

Pet Travel

To help prepare your pet for State-to-State or International Travel, there are a few steps that you will need to take. The link below will guide you through the process. After you have reviewed what needs to be done and filled out the necessary forms, you can contact Oak Knoll and we will help you with that process.



What are your hours of business?
We are open Monday through Friday from 8am — 6pm and on Saturday from 8am — 12noon. We are closed on Sundays.
Where are you located?

We are located at the intersection of Dakota Avenue and Minnetonka Boulevard in St. Louis Park . Click here for a MAP.

Do I need an appointment?

Yes, we prefer to schedule appointments to minimize client wait times. We also understand that there will be emergencies that cannot be scheduled. We do our best to accommodate emergencies in a timely manner. Please call us at 952-929-0074 to schedule your pet’s appointment.

What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and CareCredit.
Do you allow payment plans?

No, we require payment at time of service. Since we do not offer our own credit plan, we accept CareCredit. Click the Clients button on the top of this page to learn more about CareCredit.

How can I reach OKAH after hours?

We do not offer after-hours emergency service at Oak Knoll. If your pet needs emergency medical care after normal business hours, we recommend the Blue Pearl Referral & Emergency in Eden Prairie (952-942-8272) or Allied Emergency in Minneapolis (952-521-3030). 

Can I visit my pet in the hospital?

We understand how stressful it can be when your pet is hospitalized for an extended period of time, so we encourage you to schedule a time to visit with your pet when he/she is here. A visit from a loved one often speeds up the healing process and helps a pet get back to normal more quickly.

Why should I schedule an annual exam?
Annual exams are important to ensure that healthy pets stay healthy. At the annual visit, the doctor will determine the pet’s vaccine requirements, based on age, health and lifestyle. Recommendations will be made regarding diet, exercise, grooming and behavior modification. For animals that are debilitated or geriatric, it is important to examine and assess their overall health and response to medical treatment at least once a year, maybe more.
What food should I feed my pet?
There are many good pet foods available through retail outlets, but some pets require a specially formulated prescription diet. Our veterinarians will recommend an appropriate diet at your pet’s scheduled visit.
Is human food bad for pets?
Some foods, such as grapes, raisins, and chocolate, are toxic to dogs and cats, and may cause organ failure, seizures, or heart arrhythmias. Other human foods, while not directly toxic, may cause gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, and vomiting. This, in turn, may lead to inflammation of the pancreas, which can be life-threatening. If your pet has ingested a potentially dangerous “food,” please call us, at 952-929-0074 to consult with a doctor and to schedule an appointment.
Is my pet overweight?
Pets that eat more calories than they burn through exercise will become overweight. Obesity, in animals as in people, can lead to diabetes, heart disease and shortened lifespan. Our veterinarians utilize an objective scale, called the Body Condition Score, to evaluate your pet’s overall body condition/weight, and make diet recommendations accordingly.
Can I use human shampoo on my dog?
We do not recommend using a human shampoo to bathe your pet, as the pH level of dog/cat skin is different from human’s. Bathing your pet with your own shampoo may cause excessively dry, flaky skin that is itchy and uncomfortable. Our veterinarians can recommend an over-the-counter pet shampoo or a specially formulated prescription shampoo, depending on your pet’s skin needs.
Why does my dog "scoot" across the floor?
One of the most common reasons that a dog “scoots,” or drags his/her rear end on the ground, is to empty the anal sacs. The anal sac is a type of gland that resides just inside a dog’s rectum and discharges an odorous scent when the dog has a bowel movement. Sometimes one (or both) of the glands does not discharge appropriately, causing a build-up of fluid within. At this point, it is important to bring your dog in for one of our staff members to express the dog’s glands. If not expressed, the fluid can become thickened , causing pain and inflammation and occasionally infection in the gland. Once an infection is established, sedation is often required to open up and flush the glands out with an antiseptic. It is always more effective to deal with scooting before it becomes a medical problem.
At what age is my dog considered a "Senior?"
The old adage that one human year is equivalent to 7 dog years is not completely accurate. Depending on the breed and size of a dog, becoming a senior citizen is variable. Many toy and small breed dogs live to approximately 12 to 14 years of age, while large breeds such as Labrador retrievers generally live 10 to 12 years. Most giant breeds are expected to live 7 to 8 years.


Do you treat birds and reptiles?
No, we specialize solely in treating dogs and cats.
Do you offer laser surgery?
Yes. The doctors at Oak Knoll utilize the laser for various surgical procedures to reduce post-operative bleeding and pain. Click here to learn more about Laser Surgery.
What is involved in a "Dental Treatment?"
At the time of your pet’s wellness exam, a veterinarian may recommend a dental cleaning to remove dental plaque and to prevent or treat gingivitis. This procedure requires that your pet be placed under general anesthesia so that a thorough exam of the teeth, gums and oral cavity can be done. Then the veterinary staff scales and polishes your pet’s teeth, and applies a fluoride treatment. Dental x-rays are performed on teeth that are deemed unhealthy, and based on the results, the doctor determines the best course of action for those teeth. Sometimes that results in extraction of unhealthy teeth. After the procedure, the veterinary staff will advise you on the best way to maintain your pet’s healthy teeth and gums.
Why is dental treatment necessary?
At some point in your pet’s life, a dental cleaning will likely become necessary to remove the buildup of tartar that forms on the surface of the teeth and under the gum line. This can progress to more significant gingivitis and periodontal disease. Not only can this affect your pet’s comfort, but periodontal disease can allow bacteria to spread from the mouth to the rest of the body, potentially causing disease in other organs.
What pet foods do you sell?
OKAH carries the prescription diets from Hills Pet Foods, Royal Canin, and Purina. Our diets are available only with a prescription. Many foods are kept on-hand, but some need to be special-ordered.
Do you microchip pets?
Yes. We use the Save This Life microchip, this chip can be read worldwide. The microchip is inserted under the skin with a special syringe and needle. It can be done at a routine appointment or at the time your pet is spayed or neutered.
What's the benefit of microchipping?
A microchip provides permanent identification of your pet’s ownership. Most animal hospitals, shelters and humane societies in the country are equipped with a microchip scanner. If your pet is found, he/she can be scanned and the microchip information will allow safe return home.
What is a "Pre-Anesthetic Blood Screen?"
It is a blood panel that is performed prior to anesthesia that measures kidney and liver values, blood sugar and blood protein levels. These values are measured before an animal is anesthetized so we can help ensure that his/her organs will metabolize the anesthetic drugs appropriately.
Do you offer boarding?
No, we do not routinely board animals on site. However, we can recommend a boarding facility in your area.
Do you provide after-hours emergency care?
We do not admit emergency patients after hours. If your pet needs emergency medical care outside of our normal business hours, we refer you to Blue Pearl Referral & Emergency in Eden Prairie (952-942-8272) or Allied Emergency in Minneapolis (952-521-3030).


What do I do if my pet ingests a poisonous substance?
If your pet ingests a substance thought to be toxic, please call us immediately (952-929-0074). If this occurs after our normal business hours, please contact Blue Pearl Referral & Emergency in Eden Prairie (952-942-8272) or Allied Emergency in Minneapolis (952-521-3030). Another resource is Pet Poison Control Hotline (800-213-6680).
What vaccines does my pet need regularly?
Vaccines, like any medical treatment, will be tailored to each individual pet, based on his/her lifestyle and exposure to other animals. At least once a year, our doctors will perform a wellness exam to assess your pet’s overall health and to determine the most appropriate vaccination schedule.
Do I really need to vaccinate for Lyme disease?

If your dog spends time outdoors (i.e. dogs parks, paths, hunting), he/she should be vaccinated for Lyme Disease. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, tick-borne diseases are common, so annual vaccination for Lyme Disease as well as topical or oral tick control (Frontline or Revolution, Simparica or Simparica TRIO (which also prevents against heartworms) help prevent Lyme disease infection.  All these products can be purchased in house or our online Pharmacy. Click here to go directly to Vetsource to purchase.  

Is it a good idea to let my dog or cat have one litter prior to spaying her?
No. There is substantial medical evidence that spaying a female dog/cat prior to her first heat cycle, helps prevent the development of mammary cancer as well as potentially life-threatening infections of the uterus. Early sterilization for males and females helps keep pets healthy.
How does a dog get heartworm disease?
Heartworms are parasites that are transmitted between dogs by mosquitoes. When an infected dog is bitten by a mosquito, the immature heartworms, called microfilariae, are taken up by the mosquito, and can be transmitted to another dog when the mosquito feeds again. The microfilariae migrate into the dog’s blood vessels, where they eventually mature into adult heartworms. These adult worms are capable of causing severe heart and lung disease in dogs.
How is heartworm disease treated?

An annual blood test is performed on all dogs to detect the presence of heartworm infection. If your dog’s heartworm test is negative, we recommend monthly heartworm prevention year around with Heartgard Plus, Simparica TRIO (which also protects against fleas & ticks) or a ProHeart injection.  This is a one-time injection that lasts for 12 months. You can purchase the Heartgard or Simparica TRIO directly from our pharmacy or CLICK HERE to go to our online pharmacy, Vetsource.

Puppy Resources

Tips and Resources for a Happy and Healthy Furry Friend

Keeping your pet healthy requires attention to various factors such as nutrition, exercise, and preventative care. From debunking pet food label myths to learning how to brush your dog’s teeth, this page covers a range of topics to help you provide the best care for your furry friend.

Kitten Resources

Tips and Resources for a Happy Feline Companion

Keeping your cat healthy and happy requires attention to various factors such as nutrition, exercise, and preventative care. In this page, we cover a range of topics related to cat health and well-being, including tips on brushing your cat’s teeth, litter box training for kittens, and how to create low-stress vet visits for your feline friend.